1. For those who are looking for a similar tool in Biblical Studies, I would like to provide a small collection with helpful references.
2. Those who could point me to such a high-standard academic gateway (first of all in relation to the First Testament; I know there is slightly more material on the New Testament) is most welcome to respond to this blog.
For 1: enjoy! May this prove to be helpful. For 2: thank you very much for your cooperation!
Izaak J. de Hulster
Where to find images?
- Digs and their websites
- Excavation reports
- Museums (and their depots) and their websites
- Antique dealers, their catalogues, and websites
- Private collections
- Books: catalogues, handbooks, thematic studies
Collections of images (general)
- Pritchard, J.B. The Ancient Near East in Pictures Relating to the Old Testament (ANEP), 2nd ed., 1969
- Keel, O. The Symbolism of the Biblical World: Ancient Near Eastern Iconography and the Book of the Psalms, 2nd English edition, 1997
- Meshorer, Y. & S. Qedar, Samarian Coinage, 1999
- Meshorer, Y. A Treasury of Jewish coins, 2001
- Elayi, E.G. & J: Elayi, Le monnayage de la cité phénicienne de Sidon à l‘époque Perse, 2004
- Gitler, H. & O. Tal. The Coinage of Philistia of the 5th and 4th Centuries BC: A Study of the Earliest Coins of Palestine, 2006
- Elayi, E.G. & J: Elayi, The Coinage of the Phoenician City of Tyre in the Persian Period (5th – 4th century), 2009
- Hendin, D. Guide to Biblical Coins, 5th ed. 2010 (expected)
- Menorah Coin Project (many Palestinian coins from many different sources, but database search features are lacking)
Seals (ANE and Israel/Palestine)
- Collon, D. First impressions: Cylinder Seals in the Ancient Near East, 2nd ed. 2005 (introduction)
- Frankfort, H. Cylinder Seals: a documentary essay on the art and religion of the ancient Near East, 1939
- Porada, E. Corpus of ancient near Eastern seals, 1948 (2 vol.)
- Leith, J.M.W. Wadi Daliyeh seal impressions, 1997
- Avigad, N./Sass, B. Corpus of West Semitic Stamp Seals, 1997
- Keel, O. & J. Eggler, Corpus der Siegel-Amulette aus Jordanien, 2006
- Keel, O. Corpus der Stempelsiegel-Amulette aus Palastina/Israel: Von den Anfangen bis zur Perserzeit, 1995-... (by 2010: 4 volumes)
- British Museum, Catalogue of Western Asiatic Seals in the British Museum, 6 volumes, 1962-2008
- Website on the lmkl seal impressions: www.lmlk.com
- e.g., www.rehov.org/ (Tel Rehov and Beth-Shean)
- ... [dig sites often have very few photographs of pictorial material]
- See also Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University at museums below
Topics and overviews
- Keel, O. & C: Uehlinger, GGG [Gods, Goddesses and Images of God], English ed. 1998 – history of Israelite religion from images
- Schroer, S., Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels und der Alte Orient: Eine Religionsgeschichte in Bildern, 2005-... (2 out of 4 vol. published) - chronological overview of pictorial material with links to OT
- e.g., B.A. Strawn, What is Stronger than a Lion?, 2005 – lion
- ...
- Louvre (allows searches on Museum Inventory Number!)
- British Museum (for a direct link to search the collection: collection of the British Museum) and its commercial image site: BM images
- Bibel + Orient Museum in Fribourg (Switzerland) with its important database of ancient Near Eastern images BODO
- Ashmolean Museum in Oxford with collections of e.g., terracottas (or with another lay-out terracottas ) and pottery, gems (!) and sculpture
- Cobb Institute of Archaeology at Mississippi State University with links to the terracottas of Tell Halif and Tel Maresha
Photographs (landscape, etc.)
- Mazar, B. Views of the Biblical World, 1958-1961
- Bible Walks (photos of archaeological sites with small maps of their location)
- Bible Places by Todd Bolen; brief overview of sites with photographs and links
- Bible Land Pictures by Zev Radovan; a commercial site
- Matson Collection . Matson was a photographer related to the American Colony; he and his wife made many photographs in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. Work of the American Colony became also part of the Speelman Collection (1926-1931). These collections also contain photographs/slides that have been coloured with oil paint. Another important photographer from this period is the Arab Khalil Ra'ad.
Other helpful online collections of ancient Near Eastern images
- Hittite Monuments (helpful overview of Hittite sites)
- Global Egyptian Museum (online) (search function could be better)
Method (of iconographic exegesis: employing ancient images in biblical exegesis)
- de Hulster, I.J. Iconographic Exegesis and Third Isaiah, 2009, FAT-II 36
- de Hulster, I.J. & R. Schmitt (eds), Iconography and Biblical Studies, 2009, AOAT 361
- New Testament: Weissenrieder, A. & F. Wendt & P. von Gemünden (eds.), Picturing the New Testament, 2005, WUNT 193 (esp. 1st article, by Weissenrieder and Wendt)
Add to collections of images:
AntwortenLöschenH. Gressmann, Altorientalische Bilder zum Alten Testament, De Gruyter/Berlin-Leipzig 1927 (second, enlarged edition).
H. Gressmann, Altorientalische Texte zum Alten Testament, De Gruyter/Berlin-Leipzig 1926 (second, enlarged edition)
M. Jastrow jr., Bildermappe zur Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens, A.Töpelmann/Giessen 1912
Good luck,
Indeed, these are the classics of the early 20th century. Thanks, Izaak
AntwortenLöschenDer Kommentar wurde von einem Blog-Administrator entfernt.
AntwortenLöschenInscriptifact can be helpful for high quality images (exclusively those with associated texts, however).